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Home Crawler


3D Rohrscannroboter

The Crawler is a robot to inspect tubes for the inside diameter, roundness and surface defects for any pipe depth.
It is based on the Circular Triangulation Sensor (CiTriS), a new 360° laser sensor for the pipe industry.

  • Ovality control
  • Multiple cutting measurement
  • Max. / Min. diameter / Radius above measurement depths
  • 3D measurement for surface control
  • Measurement protocol
  • Exportfunction: cvs / stI
Screenshot of the tube inspection software

Areas of application

Tubes / Hollow bodies

The Crawler with the sensor series CiTriS is a tool for exact and contactless measurment of internal geometries for tubes and hollow bodies...


The Crawler with CiTriS inside can determine the radius and the A dimension for longitudinal and transverse welding seams for round components such as pipes...